How Can Exercise Help With Stress

As we grow up, in each phase of life, stress has become an unavoidable piece. As per the latest study on stress and tension, many people revealed physical and emotional indications as part of their stress outcomes. Besides the process of achieving one’s own goal, the foremost priority of people has now become to deal and manage with stress!!

The fact is that, it is impossible to eliminate stress as a whole, but it can be managed effectively when followed correctly. Fortunately, there is an easy and effective way to reduce the stress and that is by doing exercises!

Any form of exercise can reduce stress to a minimum level. There are innumerable benefits like treating anxiety, stress and depression .Just in case you are not following it up as a regular part of your day, then, you are truly passing up a great opportunity.

Many people realize the fact that physical activity helps cope up and manage with stress, yet they are excessively occupied and focused on their targets, making it impossible for physical activity fit into their schedule.

Doing exercises regularly, is not only a proven technique for keeping your body fit. Staying physically active has always been encouraged in the long run, as it is a vital measurement for reducing stress and maintaining mental fitness.

Aerobic exercises have appeared to diminish general levels of pressure, lift and balance out state of mind, enhance rest, and enhance confidence. Indeed, even five minutes of such aerobic activities can animate hostile to nervousness impacts. Consider trying the following aerobic exercises:

  • Walking fast paced or jogging
  • Biking
  • Swimming
  • Playing tennis
  • Dancing and so on.

Besides aerobic, there are many other exercises that can manage stress – breathing exercises, mental exercises like meditation, muscular relaxation etc.

Though there a many beneficial results of doing exercises, the foremost factors are:

  • Improves your mood decreasing the stress factor
  • Releases Endorphins – a hormone that fights stress
  • Help you sleep better at night
  • Boosts your energy

These forms of exercises reduces the stress directly, and prolongs life by increasing energy. Set a time goal and strive to keep following it on a daily basis, to balance life and stress!! Our personal trainers at Ezfit Singapore will focus on your sense of well being and overall health, training you to have a successful balanced life and to lower your stress.


Saravavan Nadarajan (Vanan)

Vanan, fitness expert and leader at EzFit Singapore, specializes in holistic training—home-based, boot camps, and corporate fitness—with over a decade of industry experience.