How Can You Lower Down Blood Pressure

How Can You Lower Down Blood Pressure?

If you are diagnosed with high blood pressure, the time has come to bring a change in your lifestyle. But for some, they worry about taking medication to bring down the numbers. Through healthy lifestyle, you can delay, avoid and lower the need for medication. Of course, through medication, you can reduce your blood pressure, but it might lead to side effects like dizziness, leg cramps, and even insomnia.

Many individuals can easily bring down their blood pressure naturally without using any medication and that too with home remedies. So do you want to get healthy? Try the below-given steps to control your blood pressure naturally and reduce the risk of heart diseases.

Power Walk

Various studies have shown that hypertensive patients were able to reduce their blood pressure by going for fitness walk at a brisk pace. By exercise, your heart uses oxygen more efficiently and it won’t need to work hard to pump the blood to other organs.

Deep Breathing

Meditative practices like yoga, qigong, tai chi, etc incorporate slow breathing which decrease the stress hormones. This will easily elevate the renin, which is the kidney enzyme that increases the blood pressure. Try to do deep breathing exercise for five minutes in the morning as well as at night for lowering blood pressure. Try to inhale deeply and expand your belly.

Go For Potatoes

Do you know that loading your body with potassium-rich veggies and fruits plays a major role in lowering your blood pressure? As per health experts, if you go for 2,000 to 3,000 mg of potassium each day, you can reduce your blood pressure. Consume potassium-rich foodstuffs like tomatoes, sweet potatoes, bananas, orange juice, peas, honeydew melon, etc.

Try Dark Chocolate

Do you know dark chocolate contains flavanols which can make the blood vessels more elastic? This easily reduces the chance of lowering blood pressure. Various researches have shown that people who consume dark chocolate every day were able to reduce their blood pressure drastically.

Consume A Little Alcohol

As per a recent study, the less you consume alcohol, the lower your blood pressure reduces. Various researchers have found out that by drinking light, you can easily reduce your blood pressure each day.

Wrapping Up

Reducing your blood pressure is easy and if you are opting the natural method.It simply means you are avoiding any kind of side-effects. Being healthy is what people want and natural method of controlling your blood pressure means a longer and disease-safe life.


Saravavan Nadarajan (Vanan)

Vanan, fitness expert and leader at EzFit Singapore, specializes in holistic training—home-based, boot camps, and corporate fitness—with over a decade of industry experience.