New Year Resolution

New Year Resolution

Yes, it’s time for the New Year again to make new goals and resolution. People usually start the fitness program resolution and end it within the next few months. To keep track our fitness goals to the end of the year is bit tough. In order to continue with the resolution, we need to follow some tips. Here are some of the tips which would help you to reach your goals.

Create a Plan:

Before you start any exercise, make a plan on how to execute it yourself. Identify the time and dates for the work out, pick an exercise/sport that works for you. Always try to choose the activities like walking, swimming, weight lifting, running, cycling, skating, dance, tennis and basketball. We should start off with 10 minutes and then gradually increase the time according to how the body strengthens.

Be Realistic:

Do not make the goals which you cannot achieve. For instance, never make a goal to leave your favourite food out completely from your life.

Make Pro’s and Con’s List:

Before taking any decision you should see the pros and cons of it. You should not keep your resolution as a secret, you should share it with your friends and relatives and invite them to join along with you. It helps to motivate each other.

Reward Yourself:

Never feel down since you are avoiding your favourite food. Keep track of your small success and reflect back. Treat yourself to something you enjoy that does not deter to your resolution. For example, movie with friends, buying new cloths etc.

Keep trying & stick to it:

Everything won’t happen in one night and it will take some time for it to become a habit and few months to make it as your lifestyle. You should not give up unless or until your goal is achieved.

Go for the Trainer:

If you feel you need someone to guide, motivate and help you to achieve your resolution, get a personal trainer who can help you get started with the basic exercises. They will then decide on progression methods for your body and guide you according to that. With the extensive knowledge and expertise of the trainer it will be easier for you to keep fit and be accountable.

Ezfit, is a bespoke personal training company in singapore which helps to make your new year’s resolution come true. To keep to fit choose us and achieve your goals for 2017.


Saravavan Nadarajan (Vanan)

Vanan, fitness expert and leader at EzFit Singapore, specializes in holistic training—home-based, boot camps, and corporate fitness—with over a decade of industry experience.