Scoliosis – Living With It

In today’s fast pace world, there are many queries that stay unanswered in the medical industry. Among them, is Scoliosis. The term Scoliosis is nothing but a sideways curvature of the spine, related to back problems. This can be easily identified by taking a glance at someone’s back. For a person with scoliosis, the spine tends to be positioned to a side.

From youngsters to seniors, everyone is paying extra attention to rehab gyms and doctor’s facilities to escape this pain.

Scoliosis happens regularly amid the developmental phase of one’s life, just before adolescence. In most cases, scoliosis has nothing big to deter the growth of a child. However, there are certain situations, where a few kids create spine distortions that get more serious as they develop. There is no treatment for them. Just a little bit of exercise would help them in a great way. The fundamental preparation from a health coach is required to help with this back issue.

On the contrary, at times a procedure or surgery is required, based on the severity of the scoliosis. This abnormal curve in the spine, may have reasons beyond genetics. Some commonly identified possible causes are one leg being longer than the other, muscle spasms, infections, tumors, down syndrome and inflammations like appendicitis. Doctors may identify this condition during the birth of the child. On the other hand, they may not discover it until the adolescent years.

Core Strength and mobility exercises should be introduced so that the body doesn’t feel stiff and one can go around playing a game of soccer maybe.

Ezfit Singapore assures training for scoliosis and other back related problems, ensuring strong beneficial changes and giving a massive support in overcoming it confidently! Get trained and feel the difference and improving your daily quality of life goes a long way!


Saravavan Nadarajan (Vanan)

Vanan, fitness expert and leader at EzFit Singapore, specializes in holistic training—home-based, boot camps, and corporate fitness—with over a decade of industry experience.