Fitness, Health & Nutrition Tips

Diabetes in Singapore

What is Diabetes? Diabetes is a long haul disease, which is portrayed by a high sugar or glucose level in

Misunderstandings About Yoga

Thanks to social media, more and more people get to know yoga and start to run their own practices. However,

How Much Protein Should One Consume

Protein belongs to the macro nutrient family, which is the most fundamental calorie. These proteins are strongly responsible in building,

Why Should Humans Keep Moving

The human body is personally required in all  points of thought, comprehension, feelings and basic leadership. Being stagnant, many people

Why Is Healthy Food Expensive

In today’s society, it is difficult to make healthy choices compared to unhealthy ones. Choices like ordering French fries vs.

Obesity in Asia

According to the recent findings of WHO, Asia is the home to about half of the world’s obese kids. Surprisingly,